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Bookings & Bio

Building where Blue Rock Reflexology & Wellness is located in Calgary, Alberta.


You can book either online, by text or by calling 587 664 8422.  

Please park where you see the sign 'National Robot Reserved 24/7' just outside the building. 


When you arrive for your appointment, please wait inside the entrance where you will see the blue chairs immediately to your left.  I will come out to meet you.  Please note, I am located inside a small and friendly business centre, alongside several other independent businesses. 


Payments preferred by cash or e-transfer.  Also accepted debit and credit card.

Cancellation Policy

1) When you book an appointment, that time is set aside just for you, and missed appointments prevent myself from accommodating other clients. 


2) 24-hour notice is required for all cancellations. 

Less than 24 hours notice of cancellation will be billed at $90, however, this will be waived if you re-book and attend another appointment within 2 weeks.

Unforeseen last-minute cancellations can arise due to sickness, medical or family emergencies etc.  These will be individually reviewed and can be waived at my discretion. If this is the case, please contact me to let me know. 


3) Any “no-shows” will be billed at $100.


4) Arriving late for a treatment, please be aware, that you may not receive the full session time you booked.  Dependent on my schedule, I have to accommodate my clients treatments and adhere to time boundaries.




About Kerrie

Woman with ear diagrams at Blue Rock Reflexology & Wellness

Kerrie graduated from a 4 year health degree from a top 6 ranked British University which saw her undertake a 2 year practicum completed at a hospital and substance misuse facility in Manitoba, Canada.  She has completed further University academic studies in integrated health and social care, psychotherapy & mindfulness.  


Kerrie left the mainstream healthcare system and created her independent practice - Blue Rock, in her pursuit for wanting to help people the way that her professors had taught her - to discover the underlying condition or root cause of illness in people to help them get better, as well as treating the individual as a person and not as a collective.  


Kerrie is a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist in good standing and belongs to RAC, the Reflexology Association of Canada.
She is further trained and certified in French Auricular Medicine having been taught and mentored by Canada's expert in French Auricular Medicine - Lise Couture, who was a student of Dr. Paul Nogier - the French Neurologist and founder of French Auricular Medicine.


Kerrie has completed studies and finished Level 1 in German Auricular Medicine learning from the Canadian Institute of Auricular Medicine, taught by Canada's experts in German Auricular Medicine - Dave Maybee and Lisa Welsechuk.  Kerrie is currently studying Level 2 German Auricular Medicine learning how to identify and treat blockages that prevent the body from healing.


In May 2024, Kerrie attended a Master Workshop in Portugal to learn about advanced Trauma release in Auricular Medicine. 

Kerrie is also trained and certified in working with the 38 Dr. Bach Flower Essence Remedies.

Over the last 13 years, Kerrie has worked alongside people with physical health conditions, mental, emotional health and addiction issues, from many different backgrounds, nationalities, cultures and countries.

In her life outside of work and research, Kerrie enjoys spending time in nature, travelling, creating artwork and being with her pets.


©2024 by Blue Rock Reflexology & Wellness

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